Monthly Archives: January 2016

There Is No Clean Water Without Clean Government

A reporter at Wednesday’s press conference in Milwaukee asked Senator Larson (D) a question about the validity of the comparison between the toxic poisoning in Flint, Michigan, and the Water Privatization Bill (SB432 and AB554) that is moving through the Republican controlled Wisconsin legislature faster than cherry pits through a coyote. “After all,” the reporter … Continue reading There Is No Clean Water Without Clean Government

Who is Aqua America?

This is how the legislative process now works in Wisconsin. A company called Aqua America registers as a lobbyist, hires former Republican legislator and Assembly Majority Leader Steven Foti as a lobbyist, and he works to get a new law passed that will bring business for Aqua. The company has had success nationally selling its … Continue reading Who is Aqua America?

From Flint to Madison: Our Water is Under Attack!

ACTION REQUEST: Be sure to contact the Wisconsin State Senators on the Workforce Development Committee to register your opposition to SB432 (aka AB554). Senator Roger Roth: Senator Richard Gudex: Senator Duey Stroebel: Senator Chris Larson: Senator Julie M Lassa: +++++ There is a bill rapidly working its way through the … Continue reading From Flint to Madison: Our Water is Under Attack!

Detroit Light Brigade & the “Arrest Snyder Road Trip”

You turn on your tap and orange colored rusty crud comes out. It smells bad and tastes worse. You’ve been told not to drink it, not to bathe in it, not to wash dishes in it, yet there are few alternatives. Worse, you now understand that it is laced with lead, leached from pipes due to … Continue reading Detroit Light Brigade & the “Arrest Snyder Road Trip”