Tag Archives: donald trump

Bringing Light & Love for Wisconsin’s Immigrant Community

Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP have decided to reintroduce ant-immigrant legislation that was defeated last year by the #DiaSinLatinos (Day Without Latinxs) movement. The legislation makes public employees, local police, and sheriffs officers defacto Immigration (ICE) agents in the Trump deportation machine. We will join Voces de la Frontera in bringing a lighted message … Continue reading Bringing Light & Love for Wisconsin’s Immigrant Community

Student Coalitions Rise Against Trump Hate

We arrived early to the eerily fortified University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee campus, cameras in hand. Police were everywhere, whole sections cordoned off with temporary metal barricades, motorcycle cops buzzed the neighborhood, and sniffing dogs, nose to the ground, moved in their purposeful patterns zigzagging their handlers behind them. Donald Trump would be appearing in a … Continue reading Student Coalitions Rise Against Trump Hate